Oh yes we are!
A pantomime was once a regular annual event in Bletchingley and we’re delighted to be able to bring it back to the village as part of Bletchfest’s series of community focused arts events. As good inclusive family entertainment it’s a joyous tradition worth resurrecting.
Though many think the seasonal pantomime a quintessentially British tradition it has its roots in comic performances in the streets of Italy known as commedia dell’arte. Its influences reached across Europe as the actors travelled. visiting England on several occasions, with playwrights such as Shakespeare drawing on commedia characters and traditions. With the growth in theatre as a prime source of entertainment in 18th century Britain commedia characters evolved through forms such as the English format of the harleqinade and popular performances of clowns such as Grimaldi into bawdy Victorian music hall performances featuring pantomime ‘dames’ from artists such as Dan Leno. A tradition carried on into the 20th century by others such as Arthur Lucan aka ‘Old Mother Riley’.
So Pantomime is a blend of continental and British traditions with the energy of the music hall harnessed to ribald Victorian burlesque,, the buffoonery of the harlequinade and archetypal commedia plots. In its modern form Pantomimes are performed for family audiences around the Christmas and New Year holidays and incorporates fairytale storylines, with slapstick, buffoonery, music, song, jokes and audience participation.
Rehearsals for the re-introduction of the art of pantomime to Bletchingley are well underway along with staging, costumes, lighting and the many other tasks both large and small needed for a successful performance. The story is a sequel to the familiar tale of Jack and the Beanstalk as we discover just what happened after Jack made his escape from the giant’s lair and cut down the beanstalk. A host of comic characters, familiar to young and old alike, romp through a funny tale all the family will enjoy. There will be heroes to cheer, villains to hiss and fools to laugh with. Oh yes there will!
Though the acting roles have now been cast there are other roles front and backstage for which help and assistance is always needed. It’s never too late to get involved so if you would like to play a part do please contact us via our website.
The pantomime will be performed at Bletchingley Village Hall on January 6th with both an afternoon matinee and an evening performance planned. More information will shortly be made available on the events tab on this website so do check back regularly. If you wish to subscribe to our mailing list you can receive the latest news and information straight to your mailbox. You can register here.