Broadcasting BletchFest!

If you were tuned into the Connor Moseley show on BBC Radio Surrey just after 7pm on Thursday last week you will have heard Mark Tantam, chair of the BletchFest organising committee, setting out our vision for BletchFest , East Surrey’s very own Arts Festival. If you missed it you can hear it in the sound clip below.

Share your thoughts on BletchFest in the comments box below. Would you like to get involved? As an organiser, participant, sponsor or simply visit one of our events? Our comedy night has sold out but there’s an Arts Exhibition on 21st/22nd May and Music in the Meadow on 2nd July. However you wish to be involved don’t hesitate to get in touch and share your ideas using the contact details or enquiry form on this site.

For more on how to get involved click here


Paul Sinha comes to Bletchingley!


Art for Community’s sake!