Paul Sinha comes to Bletchingley!
The first of BletchFest’s Arts Festival events, a Comedy Night at Bletchingley Village Hall, took place on Friday 1st April. Tickets had sold out very quickly after going on sale in February and a full house laughed aloud as the five comedy performers, with TV’s Paul Sinha headlining, each took to the stage with compere Jeremy O’Donnell masterfully conducting performances. A number of community volunteers helped with sound and lighting, serving, marshalling and clearing away while Nutfield singer/songwriter Paul Webb performed on stage to entertain as the audience settled into their seats before the comedy got underway. The event proved to be a very successful opening to the BletchFest festival calendar with the added bonus that a separate collection for Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal raised over £200.
Next up is an Art Exhibition in the Pavilion to be held at Grange Meadow on the 21st and 22nd May. A number of artists have already agreed to display their work. These include paintings, ceramics, sculpture and memorabilia from earlier Jubilee events. We will also have some music to entertain visitors while they admire the works of art and a workshop displaying the art of street art! There is room yet for artists wishing to display their talents to take advantage of space the exhibition can make available for them. Contact us via our website for more details
In July BletchFest’s Music in the Meadow has a number of East Surrey musicians performing music that all will enjoy. You’ll hear plenty of songs that you’re familiar with along with new music you will enjoy just as much. You can read more about these events and book tickets on our website at www.bletchfest,org.
For more information on our Art Exhibition see here
For more information on Music in the Meadow see here.